lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

My hero

Multiple Intelligences Test


The test I took is the Multiple Intelligences Test. It is a test thet says what are your multiple intelligences.
I agre with the test, because the linguistic intelligences  is my weak point, and the visual-spatial, and the bodily-kinesthetic are my strong points. But i think the interpersonal is too low. I think the Intrapersonal should be lower than the interpersonal.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

I’m a Deer!

Deer Characteristics:

- Petite to avarage size
- Beautiful
- Flexible
- Idealistic
- Inconsistent
  • Resultat d'imatges de dear

- Dancer
- Actor
- Social worker
- Secretary
- Retail clerk


- Athleta
- Dancing
- Hiking
- Gymnastics
- Aerobics

The test I took is the animal in you. It is a test that says what is your animal. My animal is a deer  I think some of the characteristics of the deer define a little bit who I am. I love dancing and gymnastics. But I don't like Hiking. Most of the hobbies of the deer concour with my hobbies. In the future I don't know what I would like to be. But I would like to be an architect or something relatted with children. Also I would like to be a dancer, but I tink it is very difficult. In general, I agree with most of all characteristics of the deer.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

My biggest dream

My biggest dream is to sleep in a 5-star hotel, because I love the luxury homes, and one day I'd like to have the sensation of living in the most beautiful house in the world. Would you like to feel this feeling just for one day?

I would love to go, but the biggest problem is the money. It is very expensive, and I will have to work hard to get it.  Usually a 5 star hotel one night for two people worth 1,000 €. This means I have to be hardworking and won a lot of money.

I hope to go there someday! Will be the most beautiful feeling in the world! If I go, I would feel very proud of myself for having completed my biggest dream.